The Healthy, Happy Ebook

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Thanks for stopping by! I'm young, I'm in love with my man, and I'm a mommy. We're busy, but happy. I'll share with you how to eat natural, healthy, whole foods while balancing family life! Learn to love your food, it will love you back!
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I have a joy that comes from writing, I used to write for the newspaper as a student writer and it was one of my jobs during college, writing restaurant reviews! So I had this thought (with some help from the hubs) I want to post a weekly article or an interview I've done with someone and see how they have done with incorporating a healthy lifestyle into their lives. I would like to show several interviews from some of the elderly, I want to dig up some charts, statistics, and someday I'd love to be able to sit in front of some prominent leaders in our society who are go go go, but lead healthy lives and see how they do it. I can sit here and preach on this blog about how I feel, how it's worked for me, and results I get...I think that is great, but how much greater is it to get others who feel the same way, who have made the same lifestyle changes, or who have lived long healthy lives because of choices they've made in their younger years! So I hope you find these articles that are to come enjoyable and motivating!

The Hate Cycle

My first centurion interview

Balancing Your life

Eat for your Health Article

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